[01:23:12] *** Quits: [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin) (Remote host closed the connection) [02:07:55] user890104 found it! [02:08:58] 120GB classic 2G [02:09:14] should have some time later this week to play with it [02:45:07] btw, has there been any recent interest in the 5th and 6th generation nanos? [02:46:21] the TODO list is currently: Find an exploit that would allow running third-party code [02:47:21] the S5L8730 could very well be vulnerable to limera1n/shatter [02:47:34] maybe even the 8723 [02:49:22] I don't have any hardware to test, but I could probably fix up the exploits for someone else to test if I had a bootrom dump [02:51:10] (or could work on getting a bootrom dump first ;) [02:58:25] <[Saint]> I think the problem is that pretty much no one involved in the project gives a singular fuck about those devices. [02:58:46] fair enough [02:59:04] <[Saint]> Similar to that bastard little Nano 3G. [02:59:17] <[Saint]> I have a couple of them floating around...somewhere. [02:59:36] <[Saint]> At this stage I'm not entirely sure where, though. [02:59:46] heh [02:59:56] <[Saint]> I got them during an unfortunate sequence of events during Apple's recall of the Nano 1G. [03:00:17] oh I vaguely remember that [03:00:20] the battery [03:00:43] <[Saint]> I wanted to get my hands on the the new factory run of Nano 1Gs, but due to demand, and getting screwed over by customs, and courier shipping, they "helpfully" upgraded me to the Nano 6G. [03:00:57] <[Saint]> Now I've only got one Nano 1G left. [03:01:01] :/ [03:02:02] <[Saint]> I sent them many emails and basically got back "But, but, but...upgrade? Be happy! Upgrade!" [03:02:07] <[Saint]> I was not amused at all. [03:02:53] Customer Satisfaction! [03:03:10] well, I have a friend who expressed an interest in poking at the currently unexplored devices [03:03:33] I don't know what hardware he has, or what's available on ebay these days [03:04:32] <[Saint]> The Nano variants past the 3G are basically closer to iPhones than they are the earlier iPods. [03:05:08] <[Saint]> The 3G is somewhat of a step backwards compared to the 2G, I have no idea what happened there, there's some speculation that it wasn't intended to join the Nano family at all. [03:05:59] yeah [03:06:05] <[Saint]> Its kinda similar to the Video. Its like a flash variant of the 5/5.5G, but further locked down. [03:06:36] I've spent some time looking at the iPhone SoCs, so I'm intrigued to see what's going on, just because no one's looked [03:06:37] <[Saint]> We could get into the 3G IIUC. [03:06:51] kernel exploit of some sort? [03:07:01] <[Saint]> It was some dude that found an exploit there that triggered the run for the Classic. [03:07:13] <[Saint]> Its just no one owned one, and they're shit. [03:07:37] <[Saint]> A Nano 3G port is "just" waiting for someone to do it. [03:08:16] <[Saint]> And IIRC, the exploit there came from the iPhone community. [03:08:24] S5L8701 [03:08:25] * [Saint] doesn't follow iOD development at all. [03:08:30] pwnage2 probably [03:08:33] <[Saint]> *iOS [03:08:39] <[Saint]> Aha, yes, that's the one. [03:09:47] <[Saint]> I have long since moved on to Android development. [03:10:04] the nano 5th gen looks rather similar to the 4th [03:10:14] <[Saint]> Its so much nicer when you can just do "fastboot reboot bootloader && fastboot oem_unlock" [03:10:14] that might be worth trying for fun [03:10:20] heh true [03:11:08] <[Saint]> Though I did put some effort into bitch-slapping Qualcom Secure Boot. My days of fighting to get into Android devices are over. [03:11:10] iOS doesn't play nice with low level development [03:11:25] <[Saint]> I only work on developer edition or international factory unlockable variants now. [03:11:58] <[Saint]> soooooo much less hassle, and no (or, very little) risk of nuking an $800 device if I fuck up. [03:12:04] yeah [03:12:34] I'm going more towards the development board route for general learning and testing things [03:12:44] phones aren't really the best platfrom for that :/ [03:12:57] <[Saint]> Indeed not. [03:13:18] <[Saint]> I've been playing with the ODROID C1 a fair bit lately, that's pretty cute. [03:13:20] contemplating getting the xgene xc-1 [03:13:31] <[Saint]> Its similar to the raspi 2, but, not crap. [03:13:45] hm, someone else just recommended that to me alos [03:14:00] I did get a rpi 2 for the eventual windows release [03:14:05] <[Saint]> its cheap, fast, and hacker-friendly (to an extent, their community is awful) [03:14:08] I'ld like to poke at that on a less restricted platform [03:14:18] <[Saint]> the raspi 2 has too many hilarious limitations. [03:14:41] such as? (I didn't really look at that price :p) [03:14:44] <[Saint]> all IO on a single USB bus, only 10/100 eth, that fucking VideoCore GPU.. [03:15:31] <[Saint]> disk access threatens to bring down the network, and network access threatens to cripple disk access, its...amusing. [03:15:41] fun [03:16:00] it might still be useful for research [03:16:03] we'll see I guess [03:16:09] <[Saint]> I mean, its great for what it is. I'm by no means knocking its stated purpose, it fills that well. [03:16:14] <[Saint]> Its just not performant. [03:16:21] <[Saint]> In any way, shape, or form. [03:16:37] <[Saint]> Fast, it is not. [03:17:46] I don't get much practical use out of these little boards anyway I feel [03:17:57] just tinkering with different platforms [03:18:38] my primary interest is learning what I can on open platforms so the proprietary ones are less confusing [03:19:06] could do that in QEMU to a degree [03:19:11] but I like real hw [03:19:16] <[Saint]> The raspi is "open". [03:19:24] <[Saint]> That goddamn GPU...grumble... [03:19:34] there are more open platforms thankfully [03:19:41] <[Saint]> indeed. [03:19:46] BBB is not really better [03:19:51] but the Novena will be wonderful [03:20:19] and the xgene looks reasonably well documented, at a somewhat high cost [03:20:20] <[Saint]> Hilariously impractical, but, yeah. [03:20:27] <[Saint]> The Novena has some promise. [03:20:53] I have one one the way :D [03:21:03] <[Saint]> Keep liquids the Hell away from it. :)) [03:21:10] <[Saint]> Its not going to survive a spill. [03:21:16] haha no way [03:21:58] the assembly instructions are kinda hilarious [03:22:07] installing the LCD is a delicate operation [03:22:25] it's going to be a different sort of "laptop" for sure [03:24:57] I have to go for a bit [03:25:09] I'll stop back in when I have my classic 2g doing something interesting [03:25:19] and maybe grab a nano 5g [03:25:20] <[Saint]> o/ [03:25:27] nice talking :) later [06:42:04] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:42:52] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:05:11] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [10:09:39] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [10:11:40] *** Joins: luyikei_ (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [17:13:58] *** Quits: luyikei_ (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [21:48:45] *** Joins: n1s (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) [23:44:08] *** Quits: n1s (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:45:47] the nano 3g is essentially a flash-based classic from a hardware point of view. same SoC and everything. [23:46:10] 4g is basically shrunk ipod touch 2g with UEFI + RTXC-based retro ipod OS ;) [23:46:42] everything newer than that hasn't been inspected closely, but I guess they would be vaguely similar to newer ipod touches [23:47:08] nano 2g/3g/4g and classic crypto has been defeated [23:47:43] nano2g by means of some highlevel parser exploit + symmetric crypto allowing us to just sign code as if we were apple [23:47:58] nano 3g/4g and classic are vulnerable to pwnage 2.0 [23:50:36] everything newer than that has the pwnage 2.0 vuln fixed, but not much else has been tried on them so far [23:50:40] x56: ^ [23:51:29] if you need any info from me, feel free to ping me at any time... if you don't, I'm likely not reading the backlog until several days later ;) [23:51:50] [Saint]: do you have any nanos newer than 4g? [23:52:29] <[Saint]> I have a 5G around somewhere, and a couple of 6Gs, but the only 6G I can find readily had no LCD. [23:53:15] <[Saint]> (an unfortunate incident with a handbag, some sugar-laden RTD mixers, and a VERY drunk Ms. [Saint]) [23:53:17] 6g was that "smartwatch" thing? [23:53:23] * [Saint] nods [23:53:47] <[Saint]> that horrible little square fucker with a screen density that modern devices are only just now starting to compare to. [23:53:58] <[Saint]> That screen mad...seriously, ...wow [23:54:01] <[Saint]> *man [23:54:36] well they're building 4K screens into 12" ultrabooks these days ;) [23:54:40] <[Saint]> 240x240px in 1.01" [23:54:59] <[Saint]> pretty bloody impressive for when it was released. [23:55:08] that for sure [23:55:24] <[Saint]> ~1.5" diagonal, iirc. [23:55:59] <[Saint]> just slightly higher than 220 ppi [23:56:25] <[Saint]> and...it was multi-point capacitive touch. [23:56:46] <[Saint]> you could barely fit two finger tips on the thing without entirely blocking your view. [23:56:55] <[Saint]> but it could track up to 5 points IIRC> [23:57:55] <[Saint]> And it only used it for a silly little twisting 2-finger gesture to rotate the screen. [23:58:55] <[Saint]> (something that that could have easily been done via an accelerometer or a dedicated menu option needed, apparently, for its time, highly advanced screen density and touch tracking.)