[00:01:42] "You install a custom driver to that device, so ipoddfu can talk to it (exploit a bootrom vulnarability, to be exact)" [00:01:50] it doesn't even exploit it in this case ;) [00:02:04] it's basically the DFU file that exploits the vuln, not ipoddfu [00:02:05] uhm... right, it's signed by apple :) [00:02:41] "You send the first stage of the restore firmware (called "DFU") to the iPod using ipoddfu" [00:02:48] that's actually WTF [00:03:18] "You send the second stage of the restore firmware (called "WTF") to the iPod using ipoddfu" - that should be "Recovery" then, and is similar to an AUPD image [00:03:44] isn't it called FIRMWARE? [00:03:53] at least the file is named like this [00:04:13] possibly [00:04:24] although that name is largely confusing [00:04:38] "Get an USB-to-iPod cable." - typo [00:04:51] it contains the actual OSOS [00:05:06] not at all [00:05:14] it contains the boot flash stuff [00:05:25] ah, right [00:05:32] the OSOS is in Firmware-* [00:05:41] yes... see the problem ;) [00:06:24] "Hold down MENU + SELECT (the center button), and count to 12." - I think you should say 12 seconds there [00:07:01] "From the options to the right of the green arrow, select libusb-win32" - any particular reason for that? [00:07:31] "select either winusb or libusb" would be more confusing [00:07:42] I'd just leave it at the default (winusb) [00:07:57] libusb-win32 has caused way too many BSODs in the past [00:08:15] so I prefer to use microsoft's kernel mode part [00:08:19] ok, i'll edit it [00:10:22] Desktop is never localized on windows [00:10:34] not even on XP IIRC, and certainly not on anything newer [00:12:06] are you sure about that? [00:13:36] fairly sure... I haven't found any MS article to quote yet, but I've never seen that being localized and stackoverflow seems to agree with me [00:13:40] ipodscsi F: iPod6g writefirmware -p -r Firmware-* [00:14:04] is firmware-* safe? [00:14:15] well, i hope so [00:14:17] or might that hit e.g. an ipsw file that the user might have thrown on the desktop? [00:14:24] ah, right [00:14:39] "Your iPod will reboot. You'll see a black screen with an Apple logo, and a progress bar at the bottom." [00:14:56] they are named iPod_xx.x.x.x.ipsw [00:14:56] that would happen after uploading WTF, not after running ipodscsi [00:15:09] er, uploading the 1MB file to WTF i mean... [00:15:13] well, that's what happened here [00:16:25] hm, it might be happening there as well (because the AUPD image will be marked active after writing the firmware partition) [00:16:50] and the WTF-based flasher doesn't show any progress? [00:17:17] i don't think so [00:29:06] let's see how much time it takes to upload a 501 MB video to youtube [00:29:23] i made a proper version of the installation video [00:29:50] (assuming the screen capture i have linked at the moment counts as a video :) ) [00:42:41] *** Quits: [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:35:59] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:37:23] *** Joins: nialv7 (~nialv7@ei224-052.resnet.stonybrook.edu) [06:37:36] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:46:49] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:49:56] *** Quits: nialv7 (~nialv7@ei224-052.resnet.stonybrook.edu) (Quit: Leaving) [15:01:57] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:14:54] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [17:26:41] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:09:58] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [21:25:43] hm, my suggestions above might not be a full fix either [21:26:28] we need to consider the case where an overrun occurs while a write is in progress, a read is in progress, or nothing is in progress at all [22:47:18] *** Joins: WhaleTexture__ (18a47a80@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:47:39] guys I need help [23:13:56] *** Quits: WhaleTexture__ (18a47a80@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [23:42:05] TheSeven: can we leave only readahead? writeahead sounds tricky to implement to me [23:42:55] or have a slow but stable version, which was my initial idea