[03:07:57] *** samizdat is now known as Samizdatguy [04:16:53] *** Quits: [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:22:55] *** Joins: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [04:30:16] *** Quits: luyikei (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [04:31:25] *** Joins: luyikei_ (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) [04:39:42] *** Joins: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [06:43:57] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [06:45:20] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:20:28] *** Quits: luyikei_ (~quassel@i255020.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:31:04] *** Quits: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) (Quit: Leaving) [17:49:28] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:50:14] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [18:00:26] *** Joins: [Franklin] (~franklin@unaffiliated/franklin) [20:07:58] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [20:11:09] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:35:25] *** Joins: [Saint] (77e0243f@rockbox/staff/saint)