[02:31:09] *** Quits: [Franklin] (~me@unaffiliated/franklin) (Read error: No route to host) [02:32:13] *** Joins: [Franklin] (~me@unaffiliated/franklin) [04:18:16] *** Quits: [Franklin] (~me@unaffiliated/franklin) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:21:46] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:21:52] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:14:18] *** Joins: goom (~go4m@cpe-66-25-153-174.satx.res.rr.com) [11:14:18] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [11:15:13] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Client Quit) [17:34:53] *** Joins: tony__ (~tony@75-166-20-198.hlrn.qwest.net) [17:35:04] hello [17:35:58] I have trouble with Rockbox adding metadata to its database about files I've deleted from my device. I see there are files in .Trash100 How do I delete them cleanly? [17:44:14] *** tony__ is now known as td3 [17:44:26] *** td3 is now known as phdtd3 [17:44:42] any help with wiping a file from Rockbox? [17:45:16] *** Quits: phdtd3 (~tony@75-166-20-198.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: phdtd3) [17:55:17] *** Joins: td3phdc (~tony@75-166-20-198.hlrn.qwest.net) [17:56:21] I have installed Rockbox. Love it. There are deleted files on my device that get scanned, and muck with my database :-/ How can I WIPE the device, and start clean? I am comfortable installing UMS boot, so how to wipe, please? [17:56:56] sorry, iPodClassic 6g 120g [17:59:48] *** Joins: Zelec123 (~quassel@2602:ffb6:2:0:f816:3eff:fee1:b159) [18:02:33] my filesystem is all buggered [18:03:05] I addeed files, then delted some. They are lingering. Help! [18:05:53] *** Quits: td3phdc (~tony@75-166-20-198.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: you guys suck!) [18:06:48] *** Quits: Zelec (~quassel@unaffiliated/zelec) (*.net *.split) [18:55:59] TheSeven: ATM i am using emcore.bin launched from the RB bootloader and the USB commands works well, i am very glad to see the code is prepared to load EMCORElibs and apps from HDD, only needed a few changes that are already done but not yet tested, emCORE could be used by RB users to run SMART and other diagnostics [20:29:06] <[Saint]> prof_wolfff: assuming dualboot is going to be a thing, I can't help but ask, why? [20:29:27] <[Saint]> Diagmode and Rockbox's own SMARTmon isn't enough? [20:50:24] *** Joins: n00b81|away (~n00b81@unaffiliated/n00b81) [20:51:46] Havent been in here for a while. [20:51:50] anyone home? [20:53:20] *** n00b81|away is now known as n00b81_offirc [21:51:49] <[Saint]> Nope. [21:52:09] <[Saint]> DONT DEAD OPEN INSIDE [21:54:17] prof_wolfff: hm, I guess the emcore-side code of on-disk apps etc. wasn't particularly well tested either ;) [21:55:16] [Saint]: diagmode only shows a fraction of the available data, and I guess rockbox's new thing doesn't show all of it either, especially historical error log information [21:55:42] not that you'd need that very often, but how could adding that option hurt? [21:56:25] it's basically a "launch some custom on-HDD binary on a certain button combo" option - that binary could be anything, emcore, umsboot, whatever [21:57:00] <[Saint]> I'm very wary of adding options to what an Rb bootloader can or cannot boot. IMO, it should boot just Rb. I even have a patch ready to go to remove IPL from all the Rb iPod bootloaders, because frankly, no one uses it. [21:57:13] <[Saint]> IMO if a user wants this sort of thing, that's exactly what emCORE is for. [21:57:29] <[Saint]> The rb bootloader should boot RB, and dualboot, no more, no less. [21:57:36] yeah, so why prevent them from having an easy way to install/launch emcore then? [21:57:50] <[Saint]> They already have one. [21:58:03] <[Saint]> Joe User isn't going to give a flying fuck for this. [21:58:18] <[Saint]> And RB is _very_ much against "fancy bootloaders". [21:58:33] <[Saint]> IIRC that's a very specific NODO. [21:58:33] tell me how anything about this is "fancy" in any way [21:58:41] Well, RB isn't much of anything these days [21:58:48] Convince two people and you have a majority [21:58:49] <[Saint]> Well, there is that. [21:59:13] adding this is basically a two-liner [21:59:35] <[Saint]> Sure, and I understand that, but I don;t agree that just because it could be done that it should be. [21:59:44] <[Saint]> That is true of many things. [22:00:14] <[Saint]> It's just going to confuse the majority for a few who will actually ever make use of this. [22:00:17] if a certain button combo is pressed (to be defined), load a different file instead of rockbox.ipod. could also be used to dualboot between two rockbox builds - and we've seen valid reasons for doing that before (fallback image etc.) [22:00:23] <[Saint]> And thos e who can are perfectly able to install emCORE. [22:00:32] <[Saint]> In fact, those people likely won't ever switch /from/ emCORE. [22:00:38] how is something that most users likely don't even know of going to confuse them? [22:01:02] <[Saint]> You haven't seen all the questions about the IPL boot feature for the other iPods then? [22:01:18] <[Saint]> Literally all that serves to do is confuse people these days. [22:01:31] no, I haven't. how does it confuse them? and how many of them? [22:01:49] is this some "oh, cool, ipodlinux, what is that? how do I install it?" thing? [22:02:00] <[Saint]> Pretty much. [22:02:33] how is that option advertized? [22:02:43] <[Saint]> It isn't. [22:03:20] <[Saint]> At least, I don't believe it is. [22:03:29] so how do the users even run into that then? [22:03:48] by randomly pressing buttons and getting some "file not found" message? [22:03:48] <[Saint]> pushing random buttons I guess. Probably trying to force reboot? [22:04:31] <[Saint]> I get that it's an unpopular opinion, but IMO I really don't think the RB bootloader should do anything more than boot Rockbox and handle jump-to-OF. [22:05:07] <[Saint]> emCORE exists for all the fancy things. [22:05:40] <[Saint]> I really sincerely doubt that power users wil even switch to the new bootloader honestly. [22:06:27] <[Saint]> What I had in mind with this, which is apparently quite different, is a "just works" simple bootloader for the masses that does precisely nothing special. [22:07:15] <[Saint]> If I'm the minority, meh. I just saw this taking a different direction. [22:07:17] I have a few problems with that: [22:07:17] - emcore installation/bootloader/... is likely not going to be maintained anymore [22:07:17] - by forcing developers to stick with emcore, you reduce the amount of testing by knowledgable persons that the rockbox bootloader gets by a fair bit [22:07:17] - I see no reason why this would hurt in *any* way - if need be, it could be hidden away to a degree where you basically have to read the source to find it [22:08:10] <[Saint]> I don't think you could hide this at all really. there's a finite amount of possible combinations available. [22:08:14] although I doubt that much else besides emcore will ever be booted by it, we could also make it emcore agnostic, basically just have some button combo boot /customboot.bin if present, and RB if nonpresent (maybe briefly showing a debug message) [22:09:05] <[Saint]> Well, yeah, see - that's the thing I was thinking. [22:09:14] <[Saint]> If it's just going to be used to boot emCORE anyway... [22:09:35] then it's still the easiest way to actually install emcore (without having to mess with DFU) [22:09:36] <[Saint]> And honestly I don't see emCORE development ceasing because the RB bootloader exists. [22:09:40] <[Saint]> But, time will tell that. [22:10:26] well, has there been any significant emcore development recently? It's unlikely to fall apart by itself, but I guess future changes to make it more versatile for debugging might actually break the APIs used by the boot menu and installer [22:10:58] on top of that, you get RB developers to actually test the RB bootloader in everyday use conditions that way [23:41:18] [Saint]: I was not thinking just in SMART, but in a whole diagnostic/benchmark suite. Not to use emCORE only for developers, but also for 'tester' users, as you know I want to try to optimize power usage as much as possible, is it easy for developers and users to supply an emCORE app to test HW limits, or to gather IAP data, or... Not in the near future, but could be very useful on further development [23:45:11] all of us agree on that RB bootloader must be easy for users, i assume the bootloader menu should be eliminated, and use a button combination to switch between Apple<->Rockbox (right?), but that's not incompatible with showing the boot menu (Apple/Rockbox/emCORE) only when the user installs the emcore.bin into the iPod. Other solution could be to publish an alternative patch for developers/testers with a bootloader containing th [23:45:11] e boot menu, and use mk6gboot.exe to install it