[00:19:27] prof_wolfff: which file is reqired for RockboxUtility to install/uninstall your bootloader? [00:19:40] only mk6gboot.exe? [00:42:00] user890104: the only file needed by RockboxUtility is the bootloader (bootloader-ipod6g.ipod), mk6gboot.exe also needs bootloader-ipod6g.ipod to do "manual" installation, but mk6gboot.exe and RockboxUtility.exe are independent utilities [00:43:11] prof_wolfff: and uninstallation? [00:45:36] my idea is to pack only the required files in the EXE installer (self-extracts to tmp dir, then runs RockboxUtility.exe) [00:46:28] RockboxUtility needs the bootloader for uninstallation because it read the target type in the .ipod header, mk6gboot.exe doesn't need the bootloader for uninstallation (the target type must be supplied on the command line) [00:47:14] for RockboxUtility only the bootloader is needed, mk6gboot.exe is optional and must be executed from the command line [00:47:22] ok, thanks [00:47:31] what about the custom rockbox build? is it needed? [00:47:45] or it is merged in the dev builds [00:47:48] no, it is not needed anymore [00:48:17] the latest nightly build should work well with the bootloader [00:59:04] prof_wolfff: i've uploaded both versions here: https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html [00:59:36] how does rockbox use the designware driver, if the code is only in the bootloader? [01:02:40] yes, the designware driver is only used by the bootloader, entering USB mode pressing CENTER+RIGHT, rockbox is still using the s3c6400x driver, i want to commit it soon but wait for a little more testing [01:04:46] ah, i see [01:06:16] i'm going to try it in a couple of minutes [01:06:25] backing up all music, just in case [01:09:34] i have tried it a bit on Linux and it seems to work well, but do the backup [01:13:23] windows is a strange beast, you never know :) [01:35:41] prof_wolfff: how does rbutil decide if there's a rockbox bootloader installed? [01:40:41] user890104: actually it is not checked if the bootloader is really installed, it uses a logfile that is stored into the device (rbutil.log IIRC) [01:41:39] ah, so when i removed .rockbox, it now thinks there's no bootloader and does not allow uninstallation [01:41:52] i think it could be an issue [01:42:11] attempting to uninstall bootloader on an ipod with empty hard drive [01:43:35] it is not trivial to check for the bootloader, wrote some code in the past but it affects the bootloader, dfu installer and the rbutil so i am not sure if it does worth, anyway the rbutil should uninstall even if it is not installed, it shows a warning IIRC, i will try to test it, maybe something was broken [01:47:13] i see it says "No Rockbox bootloader found." on Linux, dont remember if there is some reason for this, anyway you can first install the bootloader again to create the rbutil.log file and then uninstall it [02:03:12] prof_wolfff: i used --bl-uninst [02:03:36] but for the average user who doesn't want to mess with command line, it's not an option [02:04:12] i finally made a proper video showing the whole install process of the most recent bootloader [02:04:21] i'm uploading it now [02:09:29] user890104: the reinstall+uninstall bootloader using rbutils should work in that case, din't works for you?, the problem to detect the bootloader is that rbutil cannot access the flash, so the presence is marked in the HDD, but to do this the code is more complicated and increases too much in size [02:10:08] yes, i understand the reason [02:10:20] my point was that it's not obvious [02:11:37] i will look why it is not uninstalled by rbutil when it is not detected, but probably it is common code for all targets, so we can't modify it, but not sure ATM [05:47:04] *** Quits: __builtin (~zulu@unaffiliated/franklin) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [05:50:23] *** Joins: __builtin (~zulu@unaffiliated/franklin) [07:45:15] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [07:45:26] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [13:05:53] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [15:13:31] *** Quits: gevaerts (~fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [15:13:40] *** Joins: gevaerts (~fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) [18:37:10] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [18:50:36] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [19:46:46] *** Joins: swift110 (~swift110@216-15-33-221.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.static.cable.rcn.com) [19:47:58] *** Quits: swift110 (~swift110@216-15-33-221.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.static.cable.rcn.com) (Changing host) [19:47:58] *** Joins: swift110 (~swift110@unaffiliated/swift110) [21:22:01] *** Quits: swift110 (~swift110@unaffiliated/swift110) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)