--- Log opened Thu Jul 29 17:05:30 2010 17:42 *** benedikt93 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 17:57 *** benedikt93 has joined #linux4nano-dev 17:58 *** cmwslw has joined #linux4nano-dev 17:58 *** mode/#linux4nano-dev [+o cmwslw] by chanserv 17:59 < benedikt93> cmwslw: not sure if you already saw it, but the logbot is again absent 18:03 < cmwslw> clustur is my logbot. idk about who owns the other one 18:05 < Kyle6513> hmm so, if i was at an attempt to help anyone, where would I start? haha 18:08 < cmwslw> the most important way to help would be learn ARM and examine the EFI 18:08 < cmwslw> what ipod do you have? 18:08 < Kyle6513> i've got the 4g 18:08 < Kyle6513> (i broke my 2g ><) 18:10 < cmwslw> well the 4g works fine 18:11 < cmwslw> thats the one we're worried about EFI currently 18:11 < Kyle6513> before you go on, EFI? heh 18:11 < Kyle6513> google turned up nothing 18:11 < cmwslw> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Firmware_Interface 18:12 < Kyle6513> -facepalm- 18:12 < cmwslw> and Farthen gave me an explanation yesterday: http://logs.clustur.com/%23linux4nano-dev/2010-07/2010-07-28.log 18:12 < cmwslw> ive been out of the loop for some time 18:12 < Kyle6513> as have I 18:13 < Farthen> cmwslw: i own the other logbot :-P 18:13 < benedikt93> ah, then I remembered wrongly what TheSeven told me 18:14 < cmwslw> Farthen: where does it log? 18:14 < Farthen> on a not-yet-existing domain 18:15 < cmwslw> oh ok 18:15 < Farthen> logs.freemyipod.org 18:15 < Kyle6513> haha nice name :P 18:15 < cmwslw> so what sort of hosting are we going with? 18:16 < TheSeven> farthen's vserver 18:16 < Farthen> yeah, our relaunch of this project 18:17 < Kyle6513> hmm, well, with this arm emulator to find out the jumps in the efi i'd be happy to donate my two computers to run some emulations, that is, if its warranted. otherwise I have no idea how to code arm im sorry >< 18:17 < cmwslw> is it a home server or third party? 18:19 < Kyle6513> that is, if that is still the direction you are going for 18:28 *** Kyle6513 has quit IRC (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Like it? Visit #hydrairc on EFNet) 18:59 *** watto has left #linux4nano-dev 19:00 < TheSeven> cmwslw: hosted at some ISP 19:01 < TheSeven> and i hope the execution time of the emulation won't be an issue, writing the emulator is the bigger problem :) 19:18 *** kyle6513 has joined #linux4nano-dev 19:19 < cmwslw> what sort of instructions does it need to handle? 19:19 < cmwslw> basically all of them? 19:20 < cmwslw> because I wrote a basic ARM emulator in C a while back, but stopped before I added RAM 19:23 < kyle6513> the question there would be is it easier to start from scratch or not :P 19:24 < cmwslw> well depending on how many instructions it needs to handle, starting from my emulator would be a ton easier than modifying some existing one imo 20:18 < TheSeven> i'll probably integrate it into ida 20:18 < TheSeven> and it will be a data flow tracker, not a control flow emulator 22:13 *** kyle6513 has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.7/20100713130626]) 22:26 *** Keripo has left #linux4nano-dev 22:32 *** benedikt93 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye ;)) 22:36 *** soap has joined #linux4nano-dev 23:13 *** soap has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 23:16 *** soap has joined #linux4nano-dev 23:19 *** Kebianizao has joined #linux4nano-dev 23:19 *** soap has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 23:19 *** soap has joined #linux4nano-dev 23:34 *** Kebianizao has quit IRC (Quit: Estaba usando KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 4541, sources date: 20100627, built on: 2010-07-07 20:36:27 UTC 4541 http://www.kvirc.net/) --- Log closed Fri Jul 30 00:26:24 2010