--- Log opened Sat Jul 31 01:08:20 2010 01:08 *** Xqtftqx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 01:16 *** Jiss has quit IRC (Quit: Quitte) 01:59 *** Xqtftqx has joined #linux4nano-dev 02:14 *** clustur has joined #linux4nano-dev 02:35 *** Xqtftqx has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 02:35 *** Xqtftqx has joined #linux4nano-dev 03:06 *** Xqtftqx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 04:40 *** scorche has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) 04:41 *** scorche` has joined #linux4nano-dev 05:00 *** clustur has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 05:00 *** clustur has joined #linux4nano-dev 05:04 < cmwslw> I discovered the identity of the 4G and 5G accelerometer chips, both are documented well 05:04 < cmwslw> the datasheets will be useful for writing drivers 05:25 < cmwslw> One question for the logs before I sleep: Does the 4G have a NOR? there's a small chip that hangs right outside the processors of the 4G and 5G and I can't figure it out 05:27 < cmwslw> i've also seen it on the iphone 4 05:28 < cmwslw> todo tomorrow: look a little more into the classic hardware then package up the wiki for Farthen to carry over 05:36 < cmwslw> btw i don't think the 3g has EFI since the efi version is not listed in its diagnostic mode about menu 05:37 < cmwslw> teuf: could you boot your 5g into diag mode and see if there is an EFI version in there? 05:38 *** Keripo has joined #linux4nano-dev 05:38 *** Keripo has left #linux4nano-dev 06:04 *** cmwslw has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 06:39 *** Keripo has joined #linux4nano-dev 06:39 *** Keripo has left #linux4nano-dev 06:51 *** Keripo has joined #linux4nano-dev 06:51 *** Keripo has left #linux4nano-dev 08:36 < teuf> ah, cmwslw left 08:36 < teuf> for the record, the nano5g has EFI Version: 0.0e0 in diag mode 08:41 *** benedikt93 has joined #linux4nano-dev 08:58 *** n1s has joined #linux4nano-dev 09:19 < benedikt93> hi 10:05 *** benedikt93 is now known as benedik93|AFK 11:29 *** benedik93|AFK has quit IRC (Quit: Bye ;)) 13:34 *** Jiss has joined #linux4nano-dev 13:47 *** cmwslw has joined #linux4nano-dev 13:47 *** mode/#linux4nano-dev [+o cmwslw] by chanserv 13:49 < cmwslw> teuf: that's weird. the 4g has EFI version 2.2b2. To me it sounds like they still have EFI, but wrote a custom nonstandard version 13:53 < Farthen> yeah, it is somehow weird 13:58 *** cmwslw has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 15:11 *** Kebianizao has joined #linux4nano-dev 15:11 *** Kebianizao has quit IRC (Client Quit) 15:54 < teuf> let me double check 15:55 < teuf> I really get 0. 0e0 15:55 < teuf> not sure if there's a space or not after the . 16:01 *** Keripo has joined #linux4nano-dev 16:04 *** Keripo has quit IRC (Client Quit) 16:40 *** benedikt93 has joined #linux4nano-dev 17:00 *** clustur has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 17:00 *** clustur has joined #linux4nano-dev 17:20 *** Keripo has joined #linux4nano-dev 17:46 *** benedikt93 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 17:52 *** n1s has quit IRC (Quit: Lämnar) --- Log opened Sat Jul 31 20:52:34 2010 20:52 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #linux4nano-dev 20:52 -!- gibson.freenode.net changed the topic of #linux4nano-dev to: Linux4Nano *developer* discussion channel | Non-development-related messages => #linux4nano please | Unified iBugger v0.1.0, iLoader beta (2G only): http://bit.ly/oXZRO --- Log opened Sat Jul 31 21:00:54 2010 21:00 -!- fmibot [~fmibot@static.] has joined #linux4nano-dev 21:00 -!- verne.freenode.net changed the topic of #linux4nano-dev to: Linux4Nano *developer* discussion channel | Non-development-related messages => #linux4nano please | Unified iBugger v0.1.0, iLoader beta (2G only): http://bit.ly/oXZRO